Saturday, November 11, 2017

♡ My Lolita Roots

I thought this might be more interesting than a "lol hi first blog post" intro! So let's get started~ I started getting into lolita fashion seriously about three years ago, though I knew a tiny bit about it before actually diving in. I don't remember where, but I saw Mary Magdelene's dresses on the internet somewhere. I just remember being absolutely floored about it - I had no idea that clothes could be so beautiful and intricate! 

It was a dress similar to this (Raspberry Tart OP), but in navy that amazed me, I remember it distinctly!

I also remember perusing their website at the time, and screaming over how expensive everything was lol... but back then I didn't understand the amount of work that went into such things. I also remember seeing I had seen prints by AP like Misty Sky and Milky Planet on Tumblr and thought they were soooo amazing. I didn't really know how to obtain these dresses back then, and didn't really have the income nor means of buying them, but I knew they were pretty and that I really loved them! They really became my ideal. Even before that, I had seen a few drawings on the internet here and there of Old School Gothic Lolita, and though I didn't know what fashion that was or where it came from, I knew it was beautiful and that I had a deep appreciation for it whenever I saw it. Fast forward a few years (like, 10), and finally I was delving into the fashion myself! I was just starting to learn about people who wore the fashion often. I had found PrincessPeachie's YouTube from Tumblr I'm pretty sure, and that's when I got really motivated to start actually obtaining lolita pieces, since she made me realise lolita could actually be affordable. My first dress was a set from BTSSB, Cherry Rose! I had everything pictured but the kuma and bag. 

It didn't really feel like "me," though, so eventually I did sell it off. I didn't like the way the sleeves were made (like triple puff sleeves???), and the print wasn't my most favourite. When I was first starting out, I really had an issue choosing an identity for my ""wardrobe"" (read: a whole like, two dresses lmao). I loved Sweet the most clearly, but Classical was more like my style at the time (more retro looking, muted toned pieces). I also held a love for Old School Gothic, I loved the contrast so much! I think I had a few wardrobe purges before I really settled on a sort of overarching theme, and it took me several years to do so. Let's dig into who originally made me who I am today!

She should clearly be my most obvious influence! I don't remember where I found her, but I am soooo glad I did. She really sparked inspiration in me, and I've tried to model a good bit of my wardrobe after hers! I didn't really care for hats before seeing her, but after I saw what someone could do with them, I was hooked! I've been in beret and mini-hat hell ever since. She also was the one to help me understand that a more cohesive wardrobe is a more versatile wardrobe, one where you can really mix and match things however you'd like. I'm really grateful to her for that! I always thought it was so admirable that she worked so hard for her dreams, too (I think I remember reading a post that said she often worked 12 hour shifts at the local retail place just to afford all the things she loved??? what a damn inspiration honestly). I just adored her in general really, + I loved her sense of humour too! I was so heartbroken when I learned that she'd be leaving the fashion indefinitely, and then later that she would no longer have an internet presence for who knows how long. It hurt so much to see her go, but it's her life!! I hope wherever she is and whatever she's doing now, she's thriving~ ♡

I'm 100% sure I found her thru Tumblr. Back then, before people yelled at each other about the importance of adding Sources, I didn't really know what her name was or where she was located! I just knew that ScribbleFace-chan was absolutely wonderful at what she did. (Plus what an adorable way to conceal your face?? so creative!) I've never seen a coordinate of hers that I was like "eh" about. She does colours and themes sooo well, I'm sure she's worked hard at it all! She still updates her blog from time to time, though not nearly as much as before, but she's still as well dressed as ever. ♡

I don't remember where I found her either, but when I was first learning about otome fashion, she was a suuuuper big love of mine. I just love how she pairs textures and prints! Somehow it never came off as looking too busy. It seems as though she's fallen off the face of the earth, or has left the fashion completely, I'm really not sure, but her blog is still up so you're still free to check out her great coords!

As far as I can remember, these three people were my Big Inspos when I was first starting out. They really influenced my tastes and how I deem a coordinate as a success! Who were your inspirations when you were just a wee lolita baby? Let me know, I'm always hunting for new ideas! ♡


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